Game On!
Enter a team in the Blackburn FunFair Ball Hockey tournament!
Location: Outdoor rink by Bearbrook Pool in Blackburn Hamlet.
Dates: Friday May 31 & Saturday June 1st. Schedule TBD once all teams are registered.
Registration: Click here to register your team
Questions: Contact tournament organizer Norm Robillard at
Cost: $100 per team.
Officials’ discretion is an important part of any sporting event.
Officials will be wearing designated shirts. The official’s decision is FINAL. There should be no arguing of calls by participants or spectators. Arguing calls by either of these parties can result in a penalty shot being awarded to the other team on the first offense, and a team being disqualified from a game as a result of the second offense. Calls may be questioned respectfully, but only by a team captain, who is the sole representative of the team.
Penalties awarded as a result of excessive arguing are made at the sole discretion of the game Official (not tournament organizers).
Playing Rules
This is a non-contact event
- Each team must have a minimum of 4 but may have a maximum of 9 players on its roster.
- Teams may enter mix-gender and must ensure that each player receives a fair amount of playing team
- Games may be started or completed with only 3 players, but not with 2 players (result is an automatic forfeit).
- Teams will be placed in divisions based on information provided at time of registration. Register online and – after your entire team is completed – you will automatically be placed in the appropriate division based on gender, age, and where appropriate, skill level.
- Organizers will make every effort to place teams in divisions with players of the same gender, age, and skill. However, there may occasionally be challenges associated with doing so.
- A team captain is the organizer who manages the team invitations. Captains will register themselves and then invite players to join their team. There is no limit to the number of invitations a captain can send out, however teams are capped at 9 players per team, including the captain and goalie.
- Team Registration fees are nonrefundable. All team rosters must be finalized before the registration deadline.
- All players must individually sign in before each game. This list will be compared against the roster submitted.
- All games will be played 4-on-4, including the goaltender (i.e. 3 out players plus one goalie on the court at all times). A team may play without a goaltender, if it chooses to do so, at any time during the match.
- Games and halves will begin with a face-off.
- The ball will change possession after every goal scored.
- During play, alternates can substitute as necessary and/or “on the fly”. No stoppage in play is necessary to make substitutions. However, a team needs to be especially careful not to get penalized for too many players on the court when making on the fly changes.
- Hand passes are permitted, unless the official deems that a hand pass created a direct scoring opportunity. Under such circumstances, the play is stopped immediately and ball awarded to the opposing team.
- Goalie changes can be made on the fly (or at halftime) and are subject to the same rules of all other on the fly player changes. Time will NOT stop to replace a goalie. If a goal is scored while a team is attempting to make an on the fly goaltender change, the goal will stand. Teams must identify and use only one goaltender prior to any shootout.
- When the ball is covered by the goaltender, the defending team gets possession of the ball behind their net. The other team must then give the team with the ball 10 feet of space to make a play. The team with possession is allowed 5 seconds to put the ball in play.
- When a ball leaves play: If the ball goes over the backdrop OFF THE OFFENSIVE TEAM: The defending team receives possession of the ball behind its own net. The opposing team must give the team with the ball 10 feet of space to make a play. The team with possession is allowed a maximum of 5 seconds to put the ball back into play (after retrieving it). If the ball goes over the backdrop OFF THE DEFENSIVE TEAM: The team on offense receives possession of the ball at the place closest to where the ball left play. The defending team must allow the offensive team 10 feet of space to make a play. The team on offense is allowed a maximum of 5 seconds to put the ball back into play (after retrieving it).
a. If the ball leaves play at either side of the rink: The team that the ball did not go off of receives possession at the spot where the ball left play. The official will determine which team should have possession. That team is given 10 feet of space and 5 seconds of time to make a play.
b. Goals may be scored directly upon play resuming (i.e. no need to start play again with a pass. Shots are live!) - After a goal is scored: There is no face-off. The team that was scored on gets possession and may execute play immediately. They also must execute play (i.e. cross the center line) within 10 seconds. If they fail to do so, the other team may encroach aggressively. The team that just scored must always clear and cannot cross the centerline until the ball, or an offensive player, crosses that line (or the 10-second rule expires). However, during the final 5 minutes of play, the team that just scored must still (in its entirety) clear half – but after so doing may then encroach immediately. The purpose of this rule is to avoid stalling by the team who was scored on and to intensify the final minutes of each game.
- Teams will be given a 3-minute warm-up before each game.
- A 10-minute forfeit allowance will be strictly enforced.
- Games will be 30 minutes in length (Two – 15 minute halves, running time, separated by a one minute half-time break).
- A mercy rule will be in effect if one team leads the other by a 8-goal margin at any point during the second half of the game. If a team goes up by 8 goals in the first half, play continues. If they are still up by 8 goals when the first half is over, the mercy rule goes into effect. The score is then recorded as a 8-goal margin of victory (even if they were up by more than 8 goals).
- Games are also capped at 12 goals. The first team to score 12 goals in any game wins that game, however that team must have at least two-goal advantage (i.e 12 to 10 or 15-13)
- Each team will be allowed one (1), 30-second time out per game. You must possession of the ball to call a time out.
- There shall be no slashing, hooking, tripping, crosschecking, high sticking, or inappropriate stick work of any kind. Doing so shall result in a penalty shot for the other team. More serious offenses, including, but not limited to, spearing and/or butt-ending, shall result in an individual being immediately removed from a tournament.
- Fighting is unacceptable and will always result in the individual being removed from tournament. From an organizer’s standpoint, fighting is defined as one punch.
- There shall be no pushing, shoving, checking, roughhousing, or unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind. Doing so shall result in at least a penalty shot for the other team, but may be punished more severely according to the discretion of the official and/or tournament supervisor.
- There shall be no stalling. Stalling is called at the discretion of the official. Doing so shall result in a penalty shot for the other team.
- Any player that gets penalized two times during one game for incidents mentioned above will be disqualified from participating in the remainder of that game.
- The team will also then be forced to play the remainder of the game short-handed (i.e. 3-on-4. It’s like a red card in soccer!) The player in question may be subject to more serious punishment (i.e. ejection from the tournament), if the Tournament Supervisor deems necessary. In addition, the entire team may be removed from the tournament based on the questionable actions of one team member.
- If any player touches the ball while his/her team has too many players on the court, it shall be ruled a “too many players on the court” penalty and the opposing team shall be awarded a penalty shot.
a. Player coming off must tag their teammate coming on. Too many men (or
women) on the court penalties are not applied against the two penalties and
you are out rule. - Slapshots are not allowed. Slapshots are defined as any shot that involves a wind up that begins above the shooter’s waist. If a participant intentionally and knowingly takes a slap shot, the opposing team will be awarded a penalty shot. Penalties awarded as a result of slapshots being taken do not count against the two penalties and you are out rule.
- Any contact made with the ball when the stick is above the crossbar will be penalized with a penalty shot. Penalties awarded as a result of contacting the ball with a high stick also do not count against the two penalties and you are out rule.
- The result of all penalties is a penalty shot awarded to the other team. Penalty shots are taken immediately after an infraction, and are taken with the ball being placed at center ice according to breakaway type format.
a. For penalty shots, the ball is dead after the shot or at the conclusion of forward progress.
b. Possession is always given to the defending team regardless of the outcome of the shot.
c. After the shot, the ball is immediately live to the defending team.
d. Any individual can take all penalty shots for a team if it so chooses (i.e. the shot does not have to be taken by the player that was infracted or a player that was on the rink at the time of the infraction).
If the game reaches the 30-Minute time limit in a tie, the teams will go into a shootout to determine the winner.
a. Each team will nominate 3 players from their own team to participate in the shootout.
b. Each of these shooters will be given one breakaway on the opposing goaltender.
c. The team with the most goals at the end of the shootout will be declared the winner.
d. If the score remains tied after the initial shootout round, the shootout will move to sudden death format. In the sudden death shootout, the same 3 players must shoot in the same order as they did in the initial shoutout round. Sudden death shootouts continue until a winner is declared.
Equipment Requirements
- Goaltenders should bring their own goaltender equipment. The official reserves the right to reject the use of this equipment if it is deemed unsafe or unfair to the opposing team. Pads may be no wider than 13″. Challenges on the width of a goalie’s pads made by an opposing team must be done before the game starts. If the challenge is correct, the goalie is no longer allowed to use the pads and the team must either borrow equipment or play without a goalie (4 out players).
- Sticks and running shoes will NOT be provided and are required by all participants. All sticks are subject to examination by the official prior to each game. Any type of stick (wood, graphite, plastic blade, etc.) can be used, but if the stick is chipped, sharp, or deemed potentially dangerous at any time before or during game action, its use will not be allowed. Curves of all kinds are allowable; all true street hockey players know that there is no such thing as an illegal curve in street hockey!
- Helmets and visor \cage are required for participants under 16.
- Eye protection, in the form of squash-type goggles, (which are strapped around the head) is strongly encouraged for all players. Such protection must cover the entire eye, and is subject to examination / approval of the official and/or tournament supervisor.
- Gloves, jocks, and shin guards (soccer shin guards are ideal) are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS, but are not mandatory.
In the Event of Rain
- We will proceed rain or shine except under conditions of severe weather systems, such as wind storms or lightning. Play will be stopped immediately in the case of such weather systems, with all players asked to shelter at the pool changing area \adjacent to the court.
a. Should the threat of inclement weather, or actual inclement weather, lead to tournament delays, games will then be played until 10 goals or 20 minutes, without halftime or any significant warm-up. At the end of the 20-minute period, the team that is ahead is declared the winner.
b. If a game reaches the time limit in a tie, the teams will go into a shootout to determine the winner.
c. During times of inclement weather schedules will change and games will progress quickly. If a team is not present at the time an official calls to start a game in which the team is expected to participate, the absent team(s) will risk forfeiture. Be sure to come to the event prepared for any kind of weather!
Other Rules
- Each team is advised to check the Master Scoreboard regularly for all schedules, times, revisions, and other important information. Organizers reserve the right to reduce the number of games or shorten games in the case of inclement weather or any other unforeseen circumstances. Be aware that if you choose to leave the event site, you might miss out on important event related / scheduling information.
- A player must leave the game when an abrasion has flowing blood. Once the flow has stopped and there is no chance of blood contacting other players, the player with the abrasion may re-enter the game.
- Smoking of any kind, including vaping, is prohibited on site. Drug use is prohibited.
- Any player or spectator who violates the spirit of this rule will asked to leave.